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You probably have your own definition of what self-care means to you. It might be a warm bubble bath and a glass of Merlot. To me, that is part of it in the sense that I need time to focus on myself and unwind my mind, but I think it’s bigger than that.
To me self-care is not only the little, physical things that make me feel better after a stressful day, but it’s the time you spend on yourself to maintain you own physical, emotional and mental health. Its the things I do for myself that make me happy and feel good, so I can tackle the hard stuff.
Why is self-care important?
These days, we are working harder and longer than ever, and with modern technology, and the growth of the gig-economy and “side hustles”, we aren’t really turning off and slowing down. This is leading to faster burnout, chronic stress, and even the possibility of depression and anxiety. Caring for yourself minimizes the possibility of these things happening.
25 Self-Care Ideas
- Get a Manicure
- Apply a face mask
- Take a hot bath
- Do some stretches
- Take a few deep breaths
- Workout
- Make a cup of tea
- Cook a healthy meal
- Get some sleep
- Drink a big glass of water
- Go outside for a walk
- Buy some fresh cut flowers for your house

- Re-watch your favorite inspiring movie
- Call a friend
- Talk to your mom
- Write down 10 things that are good in your life
- Purge old clothes that you don’t like or don’t fit
- Look at pictures of PUPPIES
- Do something you used to love as a child (I love to draw/paint)
- Revisit your goals for the week, month, or year
- Read a book
- Meditate for 5 minutes
- Find an empty sheet of paper and doodle
- Unplug and get off social media for a few hours
- Spend a few minutes de-cluttering
- Write in a journal

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash
I hope this list of ideas inspired you to take some time for yourself! It’s so important to manage your physical, mental, and emotional health as it has so much potential to turn into a real health issue.
What else do you do to take care of yourself?