I’m just a California girl who once had a dream of moving to Ireland and who was lucky enough to make that dream happen!
In 2009, at 20 years old, I visited Ireland while studying abroad in Europe, fell in freaking love with the dang place, and decided that, “one day, I’m going to live here.”
Cut the camera to me, graduating college in 2010, and eager new grad naively thinking I was just going to apply for a big kid job, in Ireland, with no visa, no work experience (besides 3 weeks at the university dining commons), and during a recession… and some company was just going to snap me up and move me across the world…. boy was I wrong!
Instead, I got a job in… wait for it… Kansas City, Missouri… like, WHAT? And… WHERE exactly is that on a map?? So there I was, waist deep working in Corporate America for 4 year, but I never lost my vision and had a plan! This company was going to get me to Ireland (they didn’t know it yet of course)!
One afternoon, while just browsing all of the internal job postings, OH EM GEE… they posted MY CURRENT ROLE, in DUBLIN… AND they will pay for a VISA! It was like fate! So, in 2014, I got the job and moved my life to Dublin, Ireland!
And here I am, happy as a leprechaun, visiting a CASTLE, during my first weekend as an Irish resident.

Fast forward to 2020 and I’ll be eligible to become a REAL LIFE CITIZEN OF IRELAND! Yup, I’ll get a passport and everything!
I have fallen in love with this little island (hello #islandlife) all over again and love sharing my experiences, advice, and favorite places with friends and family, and you!
I am grateful for all of the opportunities I have had to be able to travel and see more of the world from Ireland and hope this space helps you enjoy, grow, and make your own dreams come true! <3